Saturday, March 7, 2015

You're Killing Me Midterms

Let's set the scene.
A lonely living room, stacks of  textbooks, and highlighters and sticky notes in the hair. The hair bundled in an un-showered mess atop the lazy students head. The student sprawled across a sad-looking sofa while contemplating life. This is the end result of midterms on a fully dedicated student. Common thoughts that are running through your head include but are not limited to:

"Where is my life going?" "I totally messed up that part of the test" "They didn't even teach that material, so how dare they ask me that question" "Who has time to write a 16 page paper when they have to study for 15 million other tests" "When was the last time I ate" "What's that smell....oh it's me" "I should probably shower" "Just kidding, my life is going nowhere, so why should I?"

And so on, and so forth.

These questions will usually continue until the student has finally accepted their "failures" in life, or perhaps some confidences in that one test that was supposed to be hard. They will finally find the confidence to move from the sofa, and depart from their favorite pair of sweatpants that have served as an armor in the great war. This is the life of the college student in midterm season.

This was me this past week studying for my Spanish midterm. You would think that after 2 1/2 years in college would have prepared me. Alas, my innate talent for getting distracted, in addition to my love of k-dramas, and part time job of procrastination, has prepared me to wait til the last minute.

I went to the test and did all that I could, but it was a bloody massacre. It felt like the teacher created the test based off of all my test weaknesses, like he a freaking walk-through that told him the exact moves it would take for me to fail.

There was a section of the exam that was solely quotations pulled from various pieces of spanish literature. I have no problems comprehending the lines picked, and I love spanish in general. None of that is the problem here. My problem is memorization.

As a child I would hide that game Memory so my sister would stop asking me to play because I would lose every time. I can memorize all the lyrics to my favorite songs, but as soon as you ask me what the title is, I am out. I wouldn't be able to tell you even if you were dangling me over a pit of left sharks and this was my last life.

So how in the world am I supposed to tell you the title and author of a piece of literature I have only read once or twice. And these titles are not short either. It is like the authors partnered up with Fall Out Boy and made the most ridiculous, long-ass titles, that no one in their right mind could ever remember.

So basically this exam screwed me over. I am hoping that the essay and vocabulary sections will pull me through, and I should not dwell on the past, but c'mon man!

Anyways, I am currently still in my sweatpants and messy bun phase. And I will get over this exam to move onto real life problems, but right now my armor is what I need.

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