Live long and prosper. |
Today was a very early morning, but still exciting and filled with nerdiness. My whole family is just a giant group of nerds! For me Doctor Who, my sister gets way to excited about scooters, the other crazy about music, and my brother is a nerd for art and video games. But, we are all similar in that we are MAJOR nerds for Star Trek. Because my dad is such a huge Trekkie, of course we were raised as his little Trekkie children. I was super-duper excited for this movie to come out, and we went to see it as a family today. I have seen every episode of the Original and New Generation series' (original all the way!), so of course we
must see all the new movies that come out too! Overall, I really liked the movie. I think Chris Pine, and Zachary Quinto are incredible in their roles. And Benedict Cumberbatch, makes an absolutely terrifying villain. I don't want to spoil the movie for anyone that is going to see, but the twists and turns in the movie are pretty good, and set up for the next movies perfectly. Anyways, I was just too much of nerd to not share some of my Trekkie excitement with yall'. Anyways, if you like anything Star Trek, and science-fiction themed, you should check it out!
Until next time,
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